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Fletcher Biographical Index† = Person ordained in the Church of England‡ = Wesleyan Itinerant # = Other Travelling or Guest Preacher * = Local Wesleyan Preacher or Class Leader Banks, T. Barnard, Mary (c. 1707-97) Bartlam, Elizabeth (1758-1835) Bartlam, John (1766-1828) † Bayley [alt. Bayly], Cornelius (1751-1812) Beard, Richard (?-1764) † Beauclerk, James, Bp. of Hereford Benson, Joseph (1748-1821) † Berridge, John (1716-93) † Biddulph, Thomas Blakemore, John (1778-1861) Blummer, M[argaret?] (1750-?)‡ Bosanquet Family Bosanquet, David Bosanquet, Samuel Bourne, Hugh Bouverot, Rev. Mr † Bradburn, Samuel Brain, Miss ‡ Brettel, Jeremiah Bridel, Mons. Brocas, Thomas Brontë Family † Brontë, Patrick Brook, John Brooke, Henry Brooke, Mrs. † Brown, James Burder, Henry † Burton, Henry Cartwright, Henry (1732-79) Cartwright [née Dodd], Mary [a.k.a. Molly] (1732-1812) Cartwright, Patty (1770-85) † Chambre, Rowland (1728-96) *Cheek, [Nicholas] Mosley Child, Francis (1740-1806) Clark, George Clark, Martha Colley, Mary [née Fennel] ‡ Collins, William Conyers, Dr Cooper, Jane (1738-1762) ‡ Costerdine, [Robert] † De Courcy [alt. DeCourcy], Richard (1743-1803) † Cox, Robert Cowper, William Cranage, George † Creighton, James *Crosby, Sarah † Crosse, John Darby Family Darby [née Sinclair, née Maude ], Abiah (1716-1794) Darby, Abraham Darby, Abraham II (1711-63) Darby, Abraham III (1750-89) Darby [née Smith], Rebecca (1752-1834) † Davenport, Mr † Davies, Thomas Dickenson, Peard Dickinson [née Darby], Ann (1812-1840) Dickinson, Barnard (1781-1852) Dolier, Mrs Dorrel, Mary [née Moore] (1744-1804) Dorrel [alt. Darral], Joseph (c. 1751-?] Easterbrook, Joseph (c. 1725-?) Edmunds, Daniel (1712-?) Edmunds, John Edmunds [née Roberts], Winifred (1711-?) * Edwards, Richard † Eyton, John Fennel Family † Fennel, John (1762-1841) Fennel [née Thursfield], [Eleanor] Nelly (1743-?) Fennel, Thomas (1741-?) De La Flécherè Family De La Flécherè, Henri-Louis Fitzgerald, Lady Mary Ford, Mrs [Charlotte?] Freeth, John (1731-1808) Furly, Miss Gibbons, George † Gilbert, Nathaniel (1761-1807) † Gilpin, Joshua (1755-1828) Gittoes, Mrs † Glascott, Cradock (c. 1743-1831) Glynne, Mrs Goodwin, Mrs † Greaves, Alexander Benjamin Greenwood, Mr and Mrs Handley, Thomas (1766-c. 1800) Harper, Mr Harper, Mrs # Harris, Howell (1714-73) Hastings, Selina, Countess of Huntingdon Hatton, Miss Hatton, Samuel † Hatton, Thomas (1736-1807) Hazledine, William (1765-1849) Hindmarsh, Robert Hinksman, James (1735-?) Hinton, William Jr (c. 1736-?) Hill Family of Hawkstone Hill [née Powys], Ann (?-1739) Hill, Maria (1742-1813) HIll, Noel, First Baron Berwick of Attinham (1745-89) Hill, Richard † Hill, Rowland (?-1783) Hill, Samuel (1743-66) Hill [née Noel], Susanna Maria (-1760) Hill, Susanna (1741-61) Hill, Thomas Hocart, James (1834-99) Horne, Melvill[e] (c. 1761-1841) Hotchkiss, Benjamin Hughes, Mrs Ireland, James (1724-1814) Jehu, Mr * Jenkins, Sarah † Jones, J. Jones, William (1764-1842) Kynaston Family Lees, [Roden] Serjeant Leir [alt. Lear], [Thomas] (c. 1738-1812) Legge, William, Second Earl of Dartmouth (1731-1801) Leveson-Gower, Granville, First Marquess of Stafford (1721-1803) † Lewis, Rev. Mr ‡ Ley, William (fl. 1750-80) Lloyd, Mr Longmore, Benjamin (1779-?) Loxdale, Miss de Luc, Jean-André (1727-1817) Maber, Peter March, Jane C. (1743-c. 1813) Marriott, William (1753-1815) ‡ Martindale, Miles (1756-1824) ‡ Mather, Alexander Matthews, Widow [Mary] (1713-88) * Maxfield, Thomas (?-1784) Merryweather, Mr † Morgan, William ‡ Murlin, John † Newton, John (1725-1807) ‡ Oliver, John Onions Family Onions (née Jones), [Ann] Onions, Michael (1739-?) Onions, Michael (1768-1785) Onions, Mrs Onions, [Miss, Sister of Michael Onions] Owen Family Owen, Miss Owen, Mr Owen, John (1741-?) Owen, Sally Palmer, [Robert] (1717-80) Palmer, [Mrs Robert] Pattrick, George (--1800) [AM(1801), 74-76] Peckett, Margaret [née Appleton] Perks Family Perks, George (1752-1833) Perronet, Charles Perronet, Henry †Perronet, Vincent Perry, George Pool [alt. Poole], T[homas?] Power, Mr † Prytherch, Stephen (1720-86) Purton, William (1721-74) Randall, John (1810-1910) Rankin, Thomas (1738-1810) Reynolds, Richard Reynolds, William †Riland, John ‡ Roberts, Robert Rogers [née Roe], Hester Ann (1754-94) Rogers, James ‡ Ruter, Martin (1785-1838) Ryan, Sarah Sansom, Jane # Scott, Capt. Jonathan (1735-1807) † Sellon, Walter (1715-1792) † Shirley, Walter † Simeon, Charles (1759-1836) † Simpson, David Simpson, Miss Slaughter, James (1708-81) Slaughter, Thomas Slaughter, Thomas Jr Smith, Elizabeth Smyth, William Spruce, Barnabas † Stillingfleet, Edward (c. 1732-95) † Stillingfleet, James Stretton [alt. Strutton] [née Mumford], Mrs [Mary] Stretton [alt. Strutton], Samuel ‡ Suter, Alexander † Talbot, William (1717-74) † Taylor, Jeremiah [alt. Jeremy] Thornton, John Thornton, Mrs Tooth Family Tooth, Eliza Tooth, Mary Tooth, Rosamond Tooth, Samuel * Tranter, J[ohn?] (1760-?) Turner, Dr ‡ Valton, John Vaughan, Mr † Venn, Henry ‡ Waddy, Richard Wales, Mary (c. 1723-92) † Walker, Samuel † Walter, Samuel Wase [née Cranage], Jane (1739-79) Wesley Family Wesley, Charles Wesley, John Wesley, Samuel William Weston Wilkes, John Wilkinson, John Mary Wright [née Webb] (of Stourport) (c. 1776-1799) Yate, Mrs (of Madeley) York, Mrs York, John York, Thomas † = Person ordained in the Church of England ‡ = Wesleyan Itinerant # = Other Travelling or Guest Preacher * = Local Wesleyan Preacher or Class Leader This biographical index has been created and is copyrighted ©2005-2011 by David R. Wilson with the exception of several biographies contributed by other Fletcher scholars whose contributions are acknowledged at the bottom of their respective entries. The biographical index here was inapired in part by the work of Gareth Lloyd who has created the Methodist Archives Biographical Index on the JRULM website, and several of the entries here rely upon his earlier work there as noted in the index. The index has benefitted immensely from the author's coversations wtih Peter Forsaith, and his footnotes in Unexampled Labours. Extensive research has been made into the Arminian Magazine and its succesive versions, the Methodist Magazine and the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine. Likewise, Foster, Alumni Oxoniensis, Venn and Venn, Alumni Cantabrigienses, Donald M. Lewis, ed. Dictionary of Evangelical Biography, the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, and the Dictionary of Methodism in Britain and Ireland have been very useful and are recommended in some instances for fuller biographies than might be found on the Fletcher Page. Many of the biographies here, however, are unique to the Fletcher Page, and will, we hope, aide in further research. |
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